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Banking FAQ
Q: Are my deposit accounts FDIC insured?
A: Yes! Each individual customer's account is insured by the FDIC up to $250,000 per account.
Q: How do I set up Direct Deposit of my payroll check?
A: After your checking account has been opened, you will receive our routing and transit number and your account number. If your employer participates in a direct deposit program, simply provide this information to the human resources or payroll department at your company, and your direct deposit will usually begin within thirty days.
Q: How do I set up Direct Deposit of my Social Security check?
A: Social Security has a toll-free number that operates from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday: 1-800-772-1213. If you have a touch-tone phone, recorded information and services are available 24 hours a day, including weekends and holidays. People who are deaf or hard of hearing may call the toll-free TTY number, 1-800-325-0778, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Monday through Friday. Please have your Social Security number and account information available to set up your direct deposit right over the phone.
Q: Can I get information about my account by phone?
A: Yes! Account information is available with our Operations Department or you may ask a Customer Service Representative during business hours. Feel Free to ask about our Voice Response System for automated account information 24 hours a day.
Q: Is interest paid on River Falls State Bank checking accounts?
A: Yes! If you want a checking account that pays interest, check out our Checking Accounts section.
Q: Can I open an account if I don't live in the United States? What if I live in the United States but am not a citizen yet?
A: At this time, we only accept applications from persons residing within the United States with valid U.S. tax identification numbers (Social Security Numbers). If you have questions, contact us. We'd like to hear from you.
Q: Can I do all of my banking with River Falls State Bank?
A: Yes! Thanks to the convenience of Direct Deposit and ATMs, everyday banking activities can be performed on your own time. Contact us with questions about your banking needs.
Q: Can I look at all of my transactions at any time?
A: Yes! With Online Banking, you have access to your account information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Q: How frequently is my information updated on Online Banking?
A: Your account information is updated nightly.
Q: Are wire transfers possible to and from my checking account?
A: Yes! Funds can be transferred to and from accounts by wire transfer or via ACH (Automated Clearing House) debits or credits. Contact us for details.
Q: How do I make a deposit to my account from a remote location?
A: You can do most of your banking by using direct deposit, ATMs or ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. We also offer a bank-by-mail service, which allows you to mail non-recurring deposits. Contact us for details on a method that's best for you.
Q: When do I have access to use Internet Banking?
A: With Online Banking, you have access to your account information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Online Banking FAQ
Q: What is Internet Banking?
A: Internet Banking is a tool that allows you to use a personal computer with an Internet connection to conduct your banking online.
Q: What can I do with Internet Banking?
A: You can view account balances and transaction history, transfer money to and from your River Falls State Bank accounts, and download transactions to a personal financial manager and much more. Check out the Internet Banking Demo to see all the features of Internet Banking and how you can personalize your online banking experience.
Q: Is any of my personal information stored in the Internet Banking product?
A: Yes, the Internet Banking product stores your User ID, password and user preferences.
Q: How current is my banking information?
A: Your account information is updated every business day after 6 p.m.
Q: What accounts will I be able to access through Internet Banking?
A: You can access your checking, savings, investment, and loan accounts from the Internet banking service. Our Internet Banking Product is intended to give you as much access, security, and versatility as possible.
Q: How much account information can I view at once?
A: The system will automatically show the current month's transactions and information. However, by selecting User Preferences, you can choose to view the current month and the previous month. Or, you can choose to view your account from the current date to same date of the previous month.
Q: What formats can I download my transaction history in?
A: Internet Banking supports downloads to Quicken™, Microsoft Money™ or as a comma-delimited text file.
Q: Can I schedule future transfers?
A: Not at this time. But in the future, you will be able to schedule open, future and recurring transfers.
Q: When can I use Internet Banking services?
A: With Internet Banking, you have access to your account information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Q: Is there a demo available for me to try?
A: Yes, we have an Online Banking Demo that is part of the Home Banking package.
Q: How long can I be inactive before being logged out of the Internet Banking product?
A: The inactivity time out default is set for 20 minutes. However, you can define the timeout period in the User Options area for 5, 10, 20, 45 or 60 minutes.
Q: What is required to use the Internet Banking service?
A: All you need to use Internet Banking is a secure browser that supports 128 bit encryption, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer®, Netscape Navigator® or America Online®. You can use any computer that has Internet access.
Q: How do I access Internet Banking?
A: You must first complete the Internet Banking registration form and submit it to us. Once your registration is received we will process your request and contact you via email.
Q: What happens if I forget or lose my password?
A: Just call us and we will take you through the steps needed to get back into the system immediately!
Bill Payment FAQ
Q: How does bill payment work?
A: To help you understand the process, we have provided a diagram.
Q: Is it possible to schedule recurring payments?
A: Yes. You can schedule weekly, semi-monthly and monthly recurring payments. The final payment of a recurring payment scheme is designated by a 'Final Payment Date.'
Q: How do I register for electronic bill payment?
A: Bill Payment registration is easy! Once you have signed up for Online Banking you need to click on the Bill Payment option and complete that registration. Once you complete this process it will take a couple of days for you application to be approved, you will receive an email stating when you can start using Bill Payment.
Q: When I add a new payee to my bill payment account, or change my account number, how quickly will the change take place?
A: When you update the information for the bill payment account, the changes are implemented virtually instantaneously.
Q: Can I receive an annual summary of my bill payments sorted by category or payee?
A: Not at this time.
Q: Can I use electronic bill payment with all my accounts?
A: No, only checking accounts can be used for bill payment purposes.
Q: When is bill payment available?
A: You can schedule payments 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Q: Are my bill payment transactions reflected as Internet Banking transactions?
A: All bill payment transactions become part of the Internet Banking transaction history and show up in personal financial management applications when the transaction history is downloaded.
Q: How do I add new payees?
A: You can add payees by accessing the Add Payee screen. New payees will be added to the payee list immediately.
Q: Can bill payment be used when I am out of the country?
A: Bill payment provides you with peace of mind when you are traveling for an extended period of time. All you need is access to the Internet with a secure browser and you can pay your bills while out of the country. Payees must be located within the 50 United States and Territories.
Q: Is there a limit to the number of bill payment accounts I can set-up?
A: No, you can pay bills from multiple checking accounts. To add multiple accounts you will need to contact Operations.
Q: Who can be paid using the bill payment system?
A: Anyone in the 50 United States and territories who can accept a check can be paid using the bill payment system. You can pay practically anyone- charge accounts, utilities, auto loans, professionals, even a lawn service or a relative. However, tax payments (such as federal, state and local) and court directed payments (such as alimony and child support) cannot be processed through our online bill payment system.
Q: Can I pay my bills on the weekend?
A: You can set up your payments during the weekend. However, the system will prohibit you from scheduling a single payment and the first of a recurring payment on the same weekend. This is because payments scheduled for the weekend are always processed on the Friday before. Therefore, when scheduling payments on a weekend, the first day for which you can schedule payments (single or recurring) is the first business day following the weekend.
Generally, single or recurring payments that fall on a Saturday, Sunday or bank holiday are processed on the previous business day and are debited from your account within two business days. If a bank holiday falls on either a Friday or Monday, the debit will occur within three days.
Q: If I schedule multiple bill payments for a single day, how will my account be debited- as a lump sum or separately?
A: Each bill payment is debited separately.
Q: What if I do not have sufficient funds on the day Metavante, our bill payment providers, debits my account?
A: Following is a summary of Metavante's Insufficient Funds procedure:
- A block will automatically be placed on all accounts that have an ACH debit returned to bill payment services. No additional bill payments will be processed until the account is properly funded and the return(s) cleared. If a payment request is received while the account is blocked, a letter will be sent notifying you that the payment(s) will not be processed. A copy will also be sent to the Financial Institution.
- Upon the first return, Metavante will automatically re-send all ACH returns under $100.00. Exception: debits for payments in which the credit portion was sent electronically will be resent regardless of the dollar amount without financial institution verification.
- Metavante will contact the financial institution to verify all returns exceeding $100.00. If funds are available, they will re-send the return(s). If funds are unavailable and if the payment was made by check, a stop payment will be placed.
- You will be charged a $25.00 Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) fee
Q: Are all debits and credits sent out at the same time?
A: Yes, they are all sent out at the same time.
Q: How is my account debited?
A: Your account is debited via ACH.
Q: What is ACH?
A: Automated Clearing House is a funds transfer system which provides for the interbank clearing of electronic entries for participating financial institutions.
Q: If I make an error in selecting an electronic payee and it results in a late fee, am I responsible for the charges?
A: If you select an electronic payee with an address that is different from that indicated on the payment coupon, then you are responsible for the late fee. You always have the option to manually enter a different address for a payee.
If you select an electronic payee with the address that matches that indicated on the payment coupon, and M&I routes the payment incorrectly, then M&I data services will take responsibility for the late fee.
Q: Can I place a 'stop payment' on a items paid through Bill Payment?
A: A payment may be edited or deleted anytime before the "process date." A stop payment can be put on an item that a payee never received. There is a $25.00 charge to issue a 'stop payment'.
Q: Is there a fee for Bill Payment?
A: The initial three months are free. There is a $6/month charge after the initial three month period.
Security FAQ
The Internet banking service has several effective security techniques that we encourage you to implement when you use the Internet banking service:
- Never reveal your password to anyone or leave your password anywhere that someone else can obtain and use it.
- Change your password on a regular basis.
- Use the Exit button to end each Internet banking session. Do not use the Back button to exit the site.
- Change your session timeout in User Options to a time that meets your needs.
- Balance your account on a regular basis. Internet Banking makes it easy!
Q: I'm still hesitant about banking online. Can other people see my account information?
A: Your account information is just as secure as it is at your physical brick and mortar bank. We've taken every step possible to be sure our system meets the latest security standards, including using the latest security encryption methods and software.
Q: What about filling applications out online? How secure is that?
A: Filling out applications online is as secure as the Online Banking System. Your entire session, from beginning to end, is encrypted. Our system supports 128-bit encryption, so you can also use the latest browser from Netscape or Microsoft that supports this security level. In fact, the highest encryption Netscape and Microsoft browsers support is 128-bit, so you will be using the highest bit encryption currently available if you use a 128-bit encryption capable browser.
Q: I keep hearing a lot about encryption? What exactly is it, and why does it make everything more secure?
A: Encryption is basically a way to rewrite something in a code which can then be decoded later with the right key. The encryption we use employs a mathematical process for the key which is made up of a certain number of bits (hence, 128-bit encryption). The higher the number of bits, the better the encryption. While using our Online Banking System, all communication from you to the system and from the system to you is encrypted using a maximum of 128 bits. In other words, when you send information to the system, your browser encrypts it using a 128-bit key, then sends it to the system. The system then decodes the information you sent it using the key (which is predetermined when your Online Banking session is started) and processes it.
Q: What about information that is stored? Is it encrypted as well?
A: Information stored on our system is also encrypted using at least 128 bits.
Q: I'd like to know more about the security methods you have implemented. Where can I read more?
A: For a more detailed description of the security features in our Online Banking System, please see our Online Banking System Security Overview.
Online Banking System Security
In Internet banking as with traditional banking methods, security is a primary concern. At River Falls State Bank we have taken every precaution necessary to be sure your information is transmitted safely and securely. The latest methods in Internet banking system security are used to increase and monitor the integrity and security of the system.
The security of the River Falls State Bank Internet banking application is addressed at three levels. The first concern is the security of customer information as it is sent from the customer's PC to the Web server. The second area concerns the security of the environment in which the Internet banking server and customer information database reside. Finally, security measures are in place to prevent unauthorized users from attempting to log into the online banking section of the Web site.
Data security between the customer browser and our Web server is handled through a security protocol called Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). SSL provides data encryption, server authentication, and message integrity for a Internet connection. In addition, SSL provides a security "handshake" that is used to initiate the connection. This handshake results in the client and server agreeing on the level of security they will use and fulfills any authentication requirements for the connection. Currently River Falls State Bank's online banking application supports data encryption at the highest level (128 bit). In order to get this level of encryption, you will need a browser that supports it. Both versions 3 and 4 of the most popular browsers support 40-bit encryption as a default, and have complete versions as well as patches that will support the stronger 128-bit encryption. Check with your browser manufacturer's website for more information.
Requests for online banking information are passed on from the Web server to the Internet banking server. The Internet banking application is designed using a three-tiered architecture. The three-tiered architecture provides a double firewall, completely isolating the Web server from the customer information SQL database.
The World Wide Web interface receives SSL input and sends requests through a firewall over a dedicated private network to the Internet banking server. The World Wide Web interface is the only process capable of communicating through the firewall to the Internet banking server. Therefore, only authenticated requests communicate with the Internet banking server.
The customer information database is housed on a Microsoft SQL Server, which implements Microsoft NT security in addition to the firewall technology. The customer database is stored on a RAID-5 drive array, which provides uninterruptible data access, even in the event of a hard drive failure. Just as the World Wide Web interface is the only process capable of communicating with the Internet banking server, the Internet banking server is the only process able to send requests to the SQL database. Thus, the outside world is removed from the customer database by two dedicated private networks.
A security analyzer constantly monitors login attempts and recognizes failures that could indicate a possible unauthorized attempt to log into an account. When such trends are observed, steps will be taken automatically to prevent that account from being used.
Security concerns have been addressed from every angle within the architecture of the Internet banking application. Implementation of the SSL security protocol on the Web server and customer browser ensures authenticated data has been received from the customer. The three-tiered approach of the Internet banking application creates a double firewall which performs information requests over dedicated networks designed to handle specific functions. Placing all business logic and event logging within the Internet banking server creates a controlled environment which allows quick incorporation of Internet security technologies as they evolve. Finally, the security analyzer monitors login attempts in order to prevent unauthorized logins.